Except the big stupa, there are a few smaller ones, and also some monasteries.
After this site, I went to Sanchi market, hired a bike and made my way to Udaigiri caves (just can't get enough of them, I guess). The road is really tough, and also there are like thousand Indian people, mostly children that wave and cry out 'Hello' and expect to get feedback. Many of them love to be photographed as well.
This trip made me really tired, but it was quite an experience. So I went to these caves, did some climbing.

Actually, only one cave is worth visiting this place, but there's also a garden nearby, very peaceful. It's like a park, actually, lot of trees has signs on them, with their Hindi, English and Latin names. So, I found this rubber tree and laid down nearby for an hour. There was noone in this place, only birds, it was great.
Came back afternoon, really tired, and very hungry. Nothing compares to home-made Indian meal, with some banana lhassi after it!
Just found out that the express train to Jhansi is going to be here only at Thursday, so I'll stay for one extra day. Before Khajuraho I intend to get to Orccha, which is also a really cool place, as people say. Few tourists are here, very nice people. Yesterday I've met a British girl, a French guy, and even one Estonian girl. I haven't many any Israelis yet, except for the plane, and can't say I'm complaining :) Probably going to see a lot of them in Varanasi... They don't have a nice reputation, so I'm doing my best to change it.